The Black Hills Forest Resource Association (BHFRA) is a non-profit trade association of forest products manufacturers, forestry and timber harvest professionals, and concerned citizens in the wonderful Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. Our mission is to advocate for responsible forest management that assures healthy forests and healthy communities for current and future generations.
This site is dedicated to serving as an accurate and reliable source of information about Black Hills forests and forestry operations, policies and regulations affecting Black Hills forest management, and the hard-working people and companies who comprise the BHFRA’s membership.
At BHFRA, we have an open-door policy regarding any and all aspects of logging and forestry operations our members perform. We take pride in our long, successful history of forest management in the Black Hills, and ask that you not hesitate to contact us with questions about environmental protections and management practices, to request a sawmill or logging site tour, or to talk about any other forest topic that’s on your mind.
If you are a landowner considering timber harvest on your property, please click HERE for a list of BHFRA member companies and logging contractors.